Flossing Correctly to Get the Best Benefits.
Flossing after each meal provides the needed preventive dental care in order to maintain healthy teeth and gums. However, flossing correctly is important to receive the maximum benefits.
Measure the floss at about an arms length, or approximately 18 inches. Wind each end of the floss around your middle fingers. Grasp 1 to 2 inches of the floss with your index finger and thumb. Then gently glide the floss in between the teeth in a sawing motion.
Angle the floss so it hugs the tooth in a c shape. Gently slide the floss up and down the surface of the tooth making sure it goes slightly below the gum-line. When complete, angle the floss to hug the tooth in the opposite direction, and repeat. As you move on to each set of teeth, you will want to unwind the floss from your fingers, and rewind it so there is a clean section of floss to use. If you are not sure if you are flossing correctly ask your dentist to show you.