California Dental, Baby Tooth Needs to Come Out.
My dentist is stating that my baby tooth needs to come out because my new tooth can not come out correctly. The baby tooth is loose but it just has not came out. If my baby tooth does not come out then I have a dentist appointment in two weeks to take it out. I do not want to go to the dentist they will inject me in the gums to do the extraction. I do not want a shot in the gums.
Answer: First if you do need to have the tooth pulled by the dentist the shoots to numb the area do not really hurt. Just close your eyes while they are doing that and try to relax. You may also want to bring your I Pod or whatever you use to listen to some music that will help you relax while the dentist is pulling the tooth.
However if you want to try and have the baby tooth come out at home, then maybe eat an apple. Biting into an apple may help to loosen the tooth more in order for it to come out.