Dental care and understanding how you get cavities.
Believe it or not you do not just wake up one day with a dental cavity. It does take some time for your tooth to decay. Cavity is a word no one really to hear at their dental appointment. A cavity is a hole that can grow bigger and deeper over time. This happens due to tooth decay.
However even before it gets to that point, tooth decay starts with plaque build up. Plaque is a sticky,substance that is made up of mostly germs which causes tooth decay. The bacteria in your mouth make acids and when plaque clings to your teeth, the acids can eat away at your tooth enamel.
If you are not seeing a dentist regularly for your cleanings then the plaque is not being removed. The acids can continue to make their way through the tooth enamel, and the inside parts of your tooth can begin to decay causing a cavity.
Although preventive care at home like brushing twice a day and flossing daily is a good start to preventing plaque build up. However seeing a dentist is the only way to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy. Also only a dentist can detect small cavities and stop them from turning into large dental issues.