Delta Dental California PPO Insurance for Major Dental Needs.
Question: I know I will need some major dental care services. The dentist I want to go to takes only Delta Dental PPO plans. I see that Delta Dental PPO plans have 12 months waiting period for major services. Is there a way not to have the waiting periods?
Answer: Delta Dental like most PPO insurance plans do come with plan waiting periods. Six months for basic services and twelve months for major services which is pretty common waiting periods though some plans may have shorter or even longer waiting periods.
We do provide in California one Indemnity plan that would let you choose your own dentist though Madison Nation with a 1000 maximum limitation that does not have any waiting periods but does ten to be more costly then the Delta dental options with the same maximum limitation. However, you may want to review that plan and compare it with our Delta Dental options.