Why are some dental insurance plans higher in cost for people over 65
Question: I am 70 years of age. My teeth are all in good shape and I take very good care of them. So why is it that when I am looking for dental insurance plans many of the ones I have come across are more expensive in their monthly premium for people who are over age 65. Not only are they more expensive, but also offer less coverages. This does not seem fair to me by any means. Why should I have to pay more and get less. I know people that are in their thirties that have really bad teeth and need much more dental work done, then I have ever had to have in my 70 years of living.
Answer: I do agree with you, however there are some dental insurance plans generally PPO’s that do have different rates for member older then 65 and sometime different coverages as well. Much like Medical or Health insurance does. However not all dental plans do this most of your HMO dental insurance plan are not age rated so you may want to look in that direction when picking a dental insurance plan.