CA Dental – At Your Appointment
What you may expect from your dental office at your dental appointment.
If your state or city is requiring people to wear masks in public, be sure to wear one to your dental appointment. When you arrive at the dental office, they may asked you to wait outside until they are ready for you. This will help to reduce the number of people in the office and reduce the amount of time you are close to other people. When you enter the office, they may take your temperature.
The dentail office may have removed items like toys or magazines and put out hand sanitizer for you to use so that you can wipe down items you touch, such as pens, clipboards or furniture.
Your dentist may also be using different protective equipment than they’ve used at previous appointments. This could include different masks, face shields, gowns and goggles. These additional precautions help protect both you and the dentist.