California Dental Insurance – Delta Dental Deductible
Why is my Delta Dental insurance deductible so high? I just got my dental insurance package that I get though work and I am trying to make sense of it. I do not understand why it shows on the dental insurance that the deductible is $3000.00. When the medical insurance I get though work I only have a $20 co-payment per visit.
Reply: Though we do sell Dental dental insurance plans for individuals and Families on this website, we do not see group plans which is what you have though work. However, it think is is safe to say that what you are looking at is not the plans deductible but it max limitation amount. A max limitation is the dollar amount the insurance company going to pay out in claim cost per person per year. I can not tell you want your plans deductible really is but it can typically be something like a co-pay of around $20.00 per office visit or a annual deductible of around $50.00. Yet you will need to re-read you plans terms and conditions to confirm what it is for you. If you stll do not understand, I suggest talking to the person that handles your insurance though work.