California Dental – Parents Providing Proper Preventive Dental Care for Babies.
Proper preventive dental care for babies start with the parents. In the past many people did not feel that baby teeth were all that important. Not fully understanding the roll that baby teeth play in a child development.
Baby teeth serves many functions. such as allowing for proper jaw growth, baby teeth assist in the formation of proper speech and they are space savers for adult teeth to come in correctly. Untreated tooth decay in baby teeth can lead to premature loss of teeth as well as effect the development of adult teeth. Parents must start good oral health habits for their babies right from the start. Make sure to clean your baby’s gums even before emerging baby teeth.
When baby teeth start to come in make sure to brush and clean both teeth and gums. If you are not sure the proper way to do so then take your baby to see a dentist. The dentist can show you proper way to clean and take care of your child teeth and gums. The days of children not seeing a dentist until they are two or older are long gone. It is best advised that you should take your child to see a dentist when they cut their first tooth or by their first birthday.