Palm Springs, California Dental Care, Teeth whitening treatments
02/17/11 6:52 AM
Palm Springs, California Dental Care, Teeth whitening treatments: I have yellowish teeth and I really want to have them whiten up. However the dental insurance plan I have now does not offer teeth whitening treatments and my dentist wants $250.00 to whiten my teeth which is a little to pricey for me. I would like to know if you offer a dental plan that can help me reduce the cost of whiten treatment. If not can any one suggest a good teeth whiten product that I can get and do myself? I just want something affordable and that really works. No point in spending $50 on a teeth whitening product to save money if it does not work.
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Posted on 02/17/11 6:52 AM | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Palm Springs, California Dental Care, Teeth whitening treatments