Individual Family Indemnity Dental Discount Plans HMO PPO



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Periodic Oral Evaluation

Saturday, Aug. 6th 2022

The fact is that your health is greatly effected by your oral health. Therefore it is important to maintain your dental health by having your Periodic oral evaluation at least twice a year at your dentist. If you have dental insurance under most plans this type of service falls under preventive care and is little to no cost to you.

Posted on Saturday, Aug. 6th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Periodic Oral Evaluation

California Dental – Individual PPO And HMO Dental Insurance Plans

Wednesday, Aug. 3rd 2022

Whether you are searching for a PPO or and HMO for an individual dental insurance plan our website provides many plan options for both. For dental PPO plans we have plans though Delta Dental and AmFirst,. For our HMO insurance plan options with have plans though California Dental and Delta Dental, and Dental Health Services. We even provide dental discount plan options for your review. Just enter your zip code in the quote box provide in order to review all your dental insurance options we have available.

Posted on Wednesday, Aug. 3rd 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental – Individual PPO And HMO Dental Insurance Plans

California Dental – Dental Prophylaxis

Sunday, Jul. 31st 2022

Under most dental insurance plans preventive dental services such as general or basic cleanings are covered at no cost to you.   The common dental term used for this type of cleaning is dental prophylaxis, which is a scaling and polishing procedure performed to remove coronal plaque, calculus, and stains.

Posted on Sunday, Jul. 31st 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental – Dental Prophylaxis

Cost-effective choices for individual dental insurance in California

Wednesday, Jul. 27th 2022

At we strive to offer as many different companies and plan choices. Since currently we have over 40 dental insurance and plan options price can start as low as $7.95 a month for and individual and as high as $200.00 depending on the plans and rated area. By provide you with as many options a possible you are able to choose the most cost-effective plan for you and or your family.

Posted on Wednesday, Jul. 27th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Cost-effective choices for individual dental insurance in California

California Dental – Dental Discount

Sunday, Jul. 24th 2022

A dental discount plan is a good low cost way to help reduce your dental care cost. You will however, want to use caution with this type of dental plan since it is not insurance. The managing organizations have negotiated with local dental offices to establish a set price for a particular dental procedure and offer deep discounts (some up to 70%) off the regular ADA pricing code.

Posted on Sunday, Jul. 24th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental – Dental Discount

Inexpensive dental insurance plans for children.

Thursday, Jul. 21st 2022

I would like to get an inexpensive dental insurance plan for my six year old son.  I do not have much money, and I am only looking to get dental insurance for my son dental health care.   He has been to the dentist once and without insurance it was very costly, I worry that he may get new cavities or something.  Can you advise if you have any dental plan that can help me afford proper dental care for my son.  

Reply: Dental HMO insurance plan are normally the more affordable dental insurance option however they will also normally require at least one adult on the plan with a minor. Making you pay for a couple plan instead of an individual plan for just your minor son. Cost for a couple plan can range around $15 to $30 a month depending on the plan.  

Another cost saving option would be a dental discount plan. Many dental discount plan will let you buy the plan for only a minor. They can range around $7 – $15 a month depending on the plan. A dental discount plan is a good low cost way of reducing your dental care cost.  

Posted on Thursday, Jul. 21st 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Inexpensive dental insurance plans for children.

California Dental – Dental Sealants

Tuesday, Jul. 19th 2022

Dental sealants helps to prevent tooth decay

California dental sealants prevent tooth decay and also stop cavities from growing: Sealants prevent tooth decay and also stop cavities from growing. The Surgeon General’s report on oral health indicates that sealants can reduce decay in school children by more than 70 percent.

Posted on Tuesday, Jul. 19th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental – Dental Sealants

California Dental Insurance – Canker Sores

Saturday, Jul. 16th 2022

Canker sores are different than fever blisters. They are small, red or white, shallow ulcers occurring on the tongue, soft palate, or inside the lips and cheeks, they do not occur in the roof of the mouth or the gums. They are quite painful, and usually last 5-10 days.

Posted on Saturday, Jul. 16th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Canker Sores

Why Fever Blister Reoccur – California Dental Insurance

Thursday, Jul. 14th 2022

Fever blisters result from a herpes simplex virus that becomes active. This virus is latent (dormant) in afflicted people, but can be activated by conditions such as stress, fever, trauma, hormonal changes, and exposure to sunlight. When lesions reappear, they tend to form in the same location.

Posted on Thursday, Jul. 14th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Why Fever Blister Reoccur – California Dental Insurance

All-Porcelain Crowns General Description – California Dental

Monday, Jul. 11th 2022

Inlays, onlays, crowns and aesthetic veneers May fracture under heavy biting loads Strength depends on adequate porcelain thickness; it requires moderate tooth reduction during preparation Highly resistant to wear, but porcelain can rapidly wear opposing teeth if its surface becomes rough Color and translucency mimic natural tooth appearance Cost is about 10% higher; requires at least two office visits and laboratory services

Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns Porcelain is fused to an underlying metal structure to provide strength to a crown or bridge Crowns and fixed bridges. Very strong and durable Including both porcelain and
metal creates a stronger restoration than porcelain alone; moderately aggressive tooth reduction is required Highly resistant to wear, but porcelain can rapidly wear opposing teeth if its surface becomes rough Porcelain can mimic natural tooth appearance, but metal limits translucency. Requires at least two office visits and laboratory services

Posted on Monday, Jul. 11th 2022 | by carol | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on All-Porcelain Crowns General Description – California Dental

CA Dental – Having Old Mercury Dental Filling Replacement

Friday, Jul. 8th 2022

Many dentist currently no longer use amalgam filling option going with a resin base filling instead. However, many people still have old mercury amalgam filling that are made up of almost 50 percent mercury, which can make some people sick.  Having these mercury filling replaces with porcelain filling makes for a healthier and stronger restoration option.  If you have questions about your silver or amalgam filling talk to your dentist and see if replacing with porcelain is a good option for you.


Posted on Friday, Jul. 8th 2022 | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on CA Dental – Having Old Mercury Dental Filling Replacement

California Dental – What are Veneers

Tuesday, Jul. 5th 2022

Veneers are ultra-thin shells of ceramic (porcelain) or a composite resin material, which are bonded to the front of teeth. This procedure requires little or no anesthesia and can be the ideal choice for improving the appearance of the front teeth. Veneers are placed to mask discolorations, to brighten teeth and to improve a smile.


Posted on Tuesday, Jul. 5th 2022 | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental – What are Veneers

California dental health care at a low cost.

Friday, Jul. 1st 2022

My mom is 72 and is on a fixed income. She only get teeth extraction though her medicare. She has all her teeth and none of them need to be pulled. However she really can not afford to have just basic dental health care. Are there dental insurance plans that can offer really good basic coverage for her?

Reply: I suggest for people on low to fixed income they may want review our HMO insurance options they start as low as $7.95 to $18.95 a month for an individual. They provide free to low cost preventive care such as office visit X-rays and basic cleanings. If you have any questions about the insurance plan options we have available please call our office at 310-534-3444 M-F 8-4

Posted on Friday, Jul. 1st 2022 | by carol | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California dental health care at a low cost.

Fever Blisters – California Dental Insurance

Thursday, Jun. 30th 2022

Fever blisters are fluid-filled blisters that commonly occur on ones lips. However, they can also occur on the gums and roof of the mouth, but this is rare. Fever blisters are usually painful, pain may precede the appearance of the lesion by a few days. The blisters rupture within hours, then crust over. They last about seven to ten days. 

Posted on Thursday, Jun. 30th 2022 | by carol | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Fever Blisters – California Dental Insurance

California Dental Insurance – Teething at 4 Months.

Sunday, Jun. 26th 2022

Question: My son just turn four month old and I think he is already teething. This is our first child, so we are not sure when a baby will normally start teething.  Can they teeth at four month? Should I take him to see a dentist or a doctor? 

Reply: There are babies that do start to teeth as soon as three months so do not be too worried if your baby it teething a four months.  Some of the signs of teething would be: Drooling, Sucking on their hands and fists, fuss more, sleep less and all kinds of good stuff like that.  There are teething products you can get at most stores, or if you have it Baby R Us that is a good place to go too.   If you are worried about the teething process you can either go to your babies doctor or pediatric dentist either one should be able to help you. Go to the one you feel best about.

Posted on Sunday, Jun. 26th 2022 | by carol | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Teething at 4 Months.

California Dental Insurance – Teething and Its Symptoms 

Thursday, Jun. 23rd 2022

There can be many different symptoms and signs that your baby may be teething. Since all babies are different it is hard to say what your baby may do when teething.  Listed are some of the signs that seem to appear when a baby is teething, you should always still check with your doctor to make sure your baby is teething and to rule out any other possible causes. 

1) Fussy or Irritable: Do to the baby teeth coming in your baby gums may become sore and painful. 
2) Coughing: Coughing can happen due to excess saliva during teething. 
3) Drooling: Teething may stimulates drooling 
4) Chin Rash: If you have a baby drools a lot then the baby saliva can cause a rash around the chin and mouth. This however can be avoided by cleaning the excess drool off of your baby chin and mouth. 
5)Biting or chewing: They do this to help with the teething and to relive any pain. 
6) Not sleeping well 
7) Cold like symptoms and low-grade fevers. Note see a doctor on this symptoms to make sure it is teething and a different issues.

Posted on Thursday, Jun. 23rd 2022 | by carol | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Teething and Its Symptoms 

California Dental Insurance – Full Coverage for Dental Crown

Monday, Jun. 20th 2022

I am in need of two dental crowns. I am trying to find a dental insurance plan that will cover at least 50 percent or more on a crown and one that will start right away since I am need of the crowns now. Is there dental insurance like want I need?

Reply: You do have a few options. First you can review HMO’s as an options you will need to choose a plan dentist in their net work but typically the cost for crowns are much more affordable. In addition most HMO’s plans do not have waiting periods you have to wait before benefits for major services (such as crowns) are active.

PPO’s plans maybe an option as well though typically the coverage percentage for major dental care within the first year tends to be less then 50 percent. Made sure to read the temrs and conditions carefully on PPO’s as they also tend to come with waiting periods which will effect the services you need.

Though there are a few PPO’s plans that may not have waiting periods but may still limit the coverage benefits percentage paid toward the cost of major dental services so be mindful of that

Posted on Monday, Jun. 20th 2022 | by carol | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Full Coverage for Dental Crown

California Dental Insurance – Baby Bottle Tooth Decay and Caries

Friday, Jun. 17th 2022

BBTD or Baby Bottle Tooth Decay can also be called Carries. Caries is Latin for “rot”, and in Greek (“Ker”) it means “death”. The term “dental caries” thus refers to a dead tooth, or a tooth that is rotten or decayed.  BBTD can be one of a few causing factor for caries. You get BBTD by leaving a baby bottle filled with anything other then water with a baby or child to keep in their mouth. This may help to keep the baby or child quite but can cause BBTD or carries.  BBTD is clearly cause by baby bottles as stated above. However, baby can contact Carries from other means. 

What are some of the causes dental caries?  There are three: 

1) specific bacteria (found in plaque) 

2) sugar 

3) susceptible tooth surface. (Weaken tooth enamel)

Posted on Friday, Jun. 17th 2022 | by carol | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Baby Bottle Tooth Decay and Caries

California Dental Insurance – Delta Dental Insurance Deductible

Tuesday, Jun. 14th 2022

I just got my dental insurance package that I get though work and I am trying to make sense of it. I do not understand why it shows on the dental insurance that the deductible is $150.00. When the medical insurance I get though work I only have a $20 co-payment per visit.

Reply: Not knowing for sure and only speaking in regards to the Delta Dental plans we offer on our website which may be different then the one you receive though work, you maybe be reviewing the $150.00 life time deductible for braces which is separate from basic dental care services. However again can not say for sure you should talk to the person that handles your insurance at work and see if they can help you or provide you with a member service line you can call about your current plan

Posted on Tuesday, Jun. 14th 2022 | by carol | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Delta Dental Insurance Deductible

Indemnity Dental Insurance Plans – California Dental Insurance

Saturday, Jun. 11th 2022

If you have heard the old term private dental insurance thrown around a lot generally it is not used very much any more in California. Indemnity dental insurance which are real dental plans have been the industry standard for years. The problem is that dental insurance gets mixed up with dental discount plans and they are completely and totally different.

Anyway, many employers offer dental insurance as additional or “supplemental dental” benefits to help as part of their employees health care perks. The good thing is that as an individual you can buy them to meet your families dental needs offering affordable monthly premiums with low down payments. See this dental page for additional information.

Posted on Saturday, Jun. 11th 2022 | by California Dental | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Indemnity Dental Insurance Plans – California Dental Insurance

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