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Is there dental insurance available for braces?  – California Dental Insurance

Thursday, Jan. 27th 2022

Question: Thinking about getting braces to correct my teeth, but would like to have some dental insurance to help with the cost. Is there any plans that can help me with this?   

Answer: Yes you can get dental insurance and dental discount plans. With respect to dental insurance make sure the plan you want to get covers not only braces but braces for an adult if you are over the age of 19. In regards to dental discount plans age is not a factor and in general the average discounted saving is around 20% off.

Posted on Thursday, Jan. 27th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Is there dental insurance available for braces?  – California Dental Insurance

California Dental Insurance – Chewing and Dental Health

Tuesday, Jan. 25th 2022

Question: I do chew daily, I am wanting to stop but until I do if I brush often will that help prevent dental health issues?

Answer: The side effects of chewing tobacco are numerous, but since we are talking about your teeth here are the side effects related to just your mouth.

1) Stained teeth
2) Bad breath
3) Sores on the gums and in the mouth that are stubborn to heal
4) Some of the effects on dental health are escalated by the sugar that is added to the tobacco during processing to improve the taste.
5) Risk of developing oral cancer

It is a good idea to stop chewing as soon as possible brushing your teeth is important but when chewing you are still increasing your risks for dental health issues.

Posted on Tuesday, Jan. 25th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Chewing and Dental Health

California Dental Insurance – TMJ

Saturday, Jan. 22nd 2022

Question: Will a orthodontist know if I have TMJ?  I think a may have TMJ but not sure. 

Answer: Yes,  a orthodontist will know if you have a TMJ issues and be able to treat you for it if you do. If you feel you have a TMJ issue speak to your dentist so that he/she can confirm if you do or do not have TMJ and what is needed to treat any dental care needs you may have.  

Posted on Saturday, Jan. 22nd 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – TMJ

California Dental Insurance – Invisalign do They Work?

Wednesday, Jan. 19th 2022

Question:  Thinking about getting braces just wondering if Invisaligns really work and are they more costly then the basic metal braces?     

Answer:   Yes Invisaligns work for many issue just as well as using metal braces. They do cost more then metal braces. So make sure if you have dental insurance they they cover them. Many dental Insurance will not cover invisaligns. You may want to look into a dental discount plan if your insurance dose not cover. A discount plan will normally save you at least 20% off the cost of invisalings.

Posted on Wednesday, Jan. 19th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Invisalign do They Work?

California Dental Insurance – Whiter Teeth

Sunday, Jan. 16th 2022

Question: I want to whiten my teeth but without going to a dentist, parents won’t pay for me to get my teeth whiten.  

Answer:  I can understand parents not wanting to spend extra money on whiten treatment. Here are a few suggestions, but make sure you run them by your parents first before trying any of them. 

1) See if  your parents would be willing to have you brush with toothpaste with whiten. That is normally not any more expensive then toothpaste without whiten
2) See if your parents would be willing to spend around 45.00 to 60.00 for over the counter whiten strips.
3) Keep in mind if you really want white teeth avoid staining them in the first place.
4) Do not smoke or chew
5) Drink staining drinks  (coffee, soda, tea etc.) though straws.
6) Brush after eating whenever possible. When you can not brush right after try chewing whiten gum.
7) There is also mouthwash with whiten you can use that is over the counter as well.
8 ) Finally as my mom would say,  start saving your pennies for when you can afford to have your teeth whiten by a dentist and are able to pay for it yourself.

Posted on Sunday, Jan. 16th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Whiter Teeth

California Dental Insurance – Health Teeth and Gums

Thursday, Jan. 13th 2022

Question:  I brush my teeth with a hard bristle brush so that I get my teeth clean but then when I do my gums bleed. I brush hard because I tend to have bad breath and I want to make sure that my breath dose not stink. What can I do to have healthy teeth and gums?  

Answer: You may be brushing too hard. Changing to a soft bristle may help you. You also may want to look into getting products that have gum care included. You can find this in tooth paste as well as mouth wash.
As for your bad breath. It could be caused by the foods you are eating. Some foods will just cause you to have bad breath even though you are brushing and taking good care of your teeth. Try looking into that and see if that makes sense for you  Also I would suggest talking to your dentist about your dental care habits. Your dental can go over them with you to make sure you are taking proper care of your dental health. They can also check to see if there are any dental issues (such as tooth decay) going on that is causing you to have bad breath.

Posted on Thursday, Jan. 13th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Health Teeth and Gums

California Dental Insurance – How do discount dental plans work?

Monday, Jan. 10th 2022

Question: I thinking about buying a dental discount plan just wanting to have a better understanding on how they work.    

Answer: Most individual dental insurance plans require you to satisfy waiting periods and deductibles before having major and sometimes even minor restorative work done. Discount dental plans help make maintaining good oral health a lot more affordable. And, with no waiting periods or complicated coverage procedures, dental discount plans are about as simple as you can get.

How do discount dental plans work? As we become aware about our oral health, there has been a demand for affordable dental care. Discount dental plans are the newest option for those without coverage. These dental discount plans are much cheaper than traditional dental insurance, and also offer almost equal coverage for all dental work, even cosmetic procedures not covered by standard indemnity dental plans.   

The catch is that dental discount plans are not really insurance at all. They work more like club memberships, where the cost of membership (your “premium”) earns a steep discount on any club service (dental work) you buy. The discount normally applies to all dental office services performed by an approved “plan” dentist, but no procedure is covered completely

Posted on Monday, Jan. 10th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – How do discount dental plans work?

California Dental Insurance – Having a Root Canal Treatment Done 

Friday, Jan. 7th 2022

Question: I would like to know does it hurt to get a root canal?  

Answer: Your dentist will make it so that while he/she is doing the root canal you have little or no pain. Your dentist does not want to hurt you. They will advise you to let them know if do feel any pain so they can numb the area more to stop any pain you may be having. Do not be scared about this process they will make it as easy a possible for you.

Posted on Friday, Jan. 7th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Having a Root Canal Treatment Done 

Chewing and Dental Health – California Dental Insurance

Wednesday, Jan. 5th 2022

Question: I do chew daily, I am wanting to stop but until I do if I brush often will that help prevent dental health issues?

Answer: The side effects of chewing tobacco are numerous, but since we are talking about your teeth here are the side effects related to just your mouth.

1) Stained teeth
2) Bad breath
3) Sores on the gums and in the mouth that are stubborn to heal
4) Some of the effects on dental health are escalated by the sugar that is added to the tobacco during processing to improve the taste.
5) Risk of developing oral cancer

It is a good idea to stop chewing as soon as possible brushing your teeth is important but when chewing you are still increasing your risks for dental health issues.

Posted on Wednesday, Jan. 5th 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on Chewing and Dental Health – California Dental Insurance

California Dental Insurance – Dental Care and Seeing a Dentist

Monday, Jan. 3rd 2022

Question: I never been to the dentist. My mom says they will hurt me if they did a cleaning. I feel I should go to the dentist but I do not want to be hurt by one and my mom dose not seem to want to take me to one.    

Answer:  Normally it dose not hurt just to have a basic cleaning done. Since you never had a cleaning done by a dentist before it may hurt you a little. Yet what the bigger issue is that by not going to the dentist you may need more then just a general cleaning.  

Should you go to a dentist? Yes. However, maybe there other factors that your mom must deal with that makes it so that she can not for whatever reason take you to a dentist.     

With that being said you can either wait until you are 18 and pay for the dentist yourself,  and in the mean time take extra care of your brushing and dental hygiene.  Or you may want to speak to your mom one more time. Explain to her that you would really like to be able to go to the dentist. However try to understand if she still will not take you. You are not in her shoes to know her full reasons.

Posted on Monday, Jan. 3rd 2022 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Dental Care and Seeing a Dentist

California Dental Insurance – Is there dental insurance available for braces?

Friday, Dec. 31st 2021

Question: Thinking about getting braces to correct my teeth, but would like to have some dental insurance to help with the cost. Is there any plans that can help me with this?   

Answer: Yes you can get dental insurance and dental discount plans. With respect to dental insurance make sure the plan you want to get covers not only braces but braces for an adult if you are over the age of 19. In regards to dental discount plans age is not a factor and in general the average discounted saving is around 20% off.

Posted on Friday, Dec. 31st 2021 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Is there dental insurance available for braces?

California Dental Insurance – TMJ 

Tuesday, Dec. 28th 2021

Question: Will a orthodontist know if I have TMJ?  I think a may have TMJ but not sure. 

Answer: Yes,  a orthodontist will know if you have a TMJ issues and be able to treat you for it if you do. If you feel you have a TMJ issue speak to your dentist so that he/she can confirm if you do or do not have TMJ and what is needed to treat any dental care needs you may have.

Posted on Tuesday, Dec. 28th 2021 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – TMJ 

California Dental Insurance – Chewing and Dental Health

Friday, Dec. 24th 2021

Question: I do chew daily, I am wanting to stop but until I do if I brush often will that help prevent dental health issues?

Answer: The side effects of chewing tobacco are numerous, but since we are talking about your teeth here are the side effects related to just your mouth.

1) Stained teeth
2) Bad breath
3) Sores on the gums and in the mouth that are stubborn to heal
4 ) Some of the effects on dental health are escalated by the sugar that is added to the tobacco during processing to improve the taste.
5) Risk of developing oral cancer

It is a good idea to stop chewing as soon as possible brushing your teeth is important but when chewing you are still increasing your risks for dental health issues.

Posted on Friday, Dec. 24th 2021 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Chewing and Dental Health

CA Dental Insurance – How do I go about cleaning my tongue? 

Monday, Dec. 20th 2021

Question: I was told that we should clean our tongue when brushing our teeth. How do you clean your tongue?   

Answer: You would take care of your tongue the same way you take care of your teeth. Brush it twice a day and buy a good germ killing mouthwash that you like.

Posted on Monday, Dec. 20th 2021 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on CA Dental Insurance – How do I go about cleaning my tongue? 

California Dental Insurance – Difference Between Metal and Porcelain Crowns?

Friday, Dec. 17th 2021

All-Porcelain Crowns General Description 

Inlays, onlays, crowns and aesthetic veneers May fracture under heavy biting loads Strength depends on adequate porcelain thickness; it requires moderate tooth reduction during preparation Highly resistant to wear, but porcelain can rapidly wear opposing teeth if its surface becomes rough Color and translucency mimic natural tooth appearance  Cost is about 10% higher; requires at least two office visits and laboratory services

Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns  Porcelain is fused to an underlying metal structure to provide strength to a crown or  bridge Crowns and fixed bridges. Very strong and durable Including both porcelain and
metal creates a stronger restoration than porcelain alone; moderately aggressive tooth reduction is required Highly resistant to wear, but porcelain can rapidly wear opposing teeth if its surface becomes rough  Porcelain can mimic natural tooth appearance, but metal limits translucency. Requires at least two office visits and laboratory services

Posted on Friday, Dec. 17th 2021 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Difference Between Metal and Porcelain Crowns?

California Dental Insurance – Abscess Tooth

Monday, Dec. 13th 2021

Question:  I have an abscess tooth and it is hurting me I like to have it pulled but the dentist I went to only wants to drain the abscess and make me wait it out, before pulling the to that is hurting me. I am in pain and just want the tooth gone.  

Answer: To start with a dentist will normally not remove a tooth if there is an abscess. The Abscess has to clear up before removing any teeth. For this they may give you antibiotics. Taking them as prescribe is important. Listerine has a pain reliving mouthwash that may help some with the pain, but check first with the dentist. You may wish to re think about having your abscess drain. It may hurt but it will also help to heal faster in the long run. By letting it go it may take longer to go away or it may even make it worse. What you are describing is nothing to put off.

Posted on Monday, Dec. 13th 2021 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Abscess Tooth

California Dental Insurance – No insurance and I need to Extract my Wisdom Teeth?

Thursday, Dec. 9th 2021

Question: I do not have dental insurance but need to have my wisdom teeth. What can I do to make it more affordable so I can have this done.   

Answer: You may want to look into getting a dental discount plan, since you have immediate needs. Dental Insurance at this point may not cover you to see an Oral Surgeon or they may have a long term waiting period before you can be covered. 

Dental Discount    This type of dental plan is not insurance. The managing organizations have negotiated with local dental offices to establish a set price for a particular dental procedure and offer deep discounts (some up to 70%) off the regular ADA pricing code. This plan has several advantages over traditional dental insurance plans, namely, there are no exclusions for pre-existing conditions. This allows a patient to receive immediate coverage for work without meeting any waiting period requirements.

Posted on Thursday, Dec. 9th 2021 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – No insurance and I need to Extract my Wisdom Teeth?

California Dental Insurance – How Much for Fake Teeth?  

Monday, Dec. 6th 2021

Question: I have bad teeth they are all crooked and due to that I do get cavities easier then most people.  I just like to have them pulled and get fake teeth not to have to deal with fixing them all the time. 

Answer: I would advise you should correct the problem with braces and not by pulling a tooth and having a bridge, partial or implant. Braces cost varies depending on what type you would get and treatment. Think about speaking to your local dentist. Try looking for one that will give you a free consult.

Posted on Monday, Dec. 6th 2021 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – How Much for Fake Teeth?  

California Dental Insurance – Braces making my gums a bit itchy 

Friday, Dec. 3rd 2021

Question: I just got my braces they are a bit scratchy which I can deal with, but my gums are also a bit itchy.  Any suggestions on how to stop the itchiness?

Answer: Try Orajel or Ambosol since they numb the area you put it on it should relive the itchiness

Posted on Friday, Dec. 3rd 2021 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Braces making my gums a bit itchy 

California Dental Insurance – Teeth Whitening Options

Tuesday, Nov. 30th 2021

At the lowest level of whitening products are toothpastes, floss and mouthwashes that have been specially formulated to brighten your teeth. Generally speaking, if used consistently, they can whiten healthy teeth about one shade over time. These products can be purchased over the counter, and may cost about the same as “regular” counterparts, or slightly more. Therefore, they are a cost-effective means of whitening your teeth, if you only wish to take off surface stains, and you are motivated to prevent stains from reoccurring in the future.       

Whitening strips have become very popular in the past 5 or 6 years. They are easy to use and much less messy than bleaching kits. The cost is still significantly more than whitening toothpastes and products discussed above, but you will see more dramatic results more quickly. Besides cost, there are two additional drawbacks to mention with respect to strips. First, they only work on healthy teeth that have yellowed due to age and stains. Second, they may cause significant tooth sensitivity. Consult with your dentist before paying the $20-40 for one of these kits.   

There are several major brands and formulations for whitening strips, including Crest, Listerine, Oral B and Rembrandt. Listerine’s strips dissolve in your mouth, which they claim to be a benefit because you don’t have to take them off 1/2 hour after you put them on. Crest Strips come in a variety of styles, including Daily Multi-care, which you use for only 5 minutes a day (brightening more slowly over time), and Crest Whitestrips Premium, which you only need to use for 7 days (1/2 hour morning and night). Most brands require use for 14 days, 1/2 hour morning and night.       

These products contain hydrogen peroxide as a bleaching agent, and will only work on natural teeth; they will not whiten veneers or other dental work. Amounts of the bleaching agent differ, from 6% to 10%, depending on formulations.      

You also may want to speak with your dentist should any side effects become bothersome. For example, teeth can become sensitive during the period when you are using the bleaching solution. In many cases, this sensitivity is temporary and should lessen once the treatment is finished. Some people also experience soft tissue irritation—either from a tray that doesn’t fit properly or from solution that may come in contact with the tissues. If you have concerns about such side effects, you should discuss them with your dentist 

Posted on Tuesday, Nov. 30th 2021 | by admin | in California Dental Insurance | Comments Off on California Dental Insurance – Teeth Whitening Options

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