Tuesday, May. 18th 2021
Cancer treatment can consisted of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. There may be side effects from cancer therapy, some of which can be devastating, but preventable or manageable with proper precautions and care. The most common side effects for head and neck cancer patients who undergo radiation therapy are: Dry Mouth, Post Radiation Tooth Decay, Inability to open the mouth wide, Necrosis of soft tissue and bone and Impaired ability to heal from wounds in the oral cavity. When fighting cancer you should talk you your dentist and make sure your are receiving proper dental care.
Saturday, May. 15th 2021
Making sure your child is covered.
Many U.S. children do not see the dentist regularly. Even though most parents know that dental and oral healthcare is important. One reason for this, is that many people do not receive dental benefits though their employment and they feel that can not afford private dental insurance. Some lower income people state even with dental care benefits their co pay for dental care is still to costly for them to afford.
However dental care for children does not have to be out of reach. Many people do not know all the resources that are available to them. In most states there are low cost dental insurance plan (such as HMO’s) with affordable co-pays. Also most of these dental insurance plans offer free preventive care which is more the half the battle when it comes to oral health care.
If even the more affordable lower cost dental insurance plans are still too costly, then use your state resources: Each state all over the USA has a particular program for kids coming from low income families. Under the Children’s Health Insurance Plan (CHIP), each qualified kid that falling under its income requirement bracket, are either covered for free or are given low cost insurance.
Wednesday, May. 12th 2021
Dental professionals stress the importance of taking your child for a dental checkup at least twice a year (once every six months.) That said many parent worry about how to find the best dentist for their child. This is especially true for children ages 1-6 since it is sometimes difficult to find the perfect dental professional who knows how to behave with younger children.
Here are some tips that may help you find the right dentist for your child. Try and get and consider recommendations of pediatric dentist from other mothers. Go to the dental office and talk to the dentist if you feel everything is alright you can take your child in for a consultation If you have dental insurance find out if it covers for specialist. Since pediatric dentist are specialist you want to make sure you are covered under your plan. If this is your child first dental appointment let the dentist know that is the case. Most pediatric dentist keep their waiting room kid friendly. This will help the child stay in a good mood and make them feel like going to the dentist is a fun place to be.
Sunday, May. 9th 2021
Sports drinks and sodas may taste good but they can wreak havoc on teeth. The American Dental Association is prompting their members who participated in focus groups to name sports drinks and sodas as culprits of dental decay and disease.
Thursday, May. 6th 2021
What Parents Should Expect at Baby’s First Dental Visit.
Total Family Dental Group in Torrance, California a Pediatric dentists dental office helps to explain what a new parent should expect at their baby’s first dental appointment. It is advise that a baby should have their first dental visit around the age of one. Pediatric dentist are specialized in child psychology and the first dental visit should be a positive experience for your child. It also a time for the parent to ask questions about teething, and oral health care. The dentist will be able to go over brushing techniques. The first visit is the time where the parents and dentist can set the tone for future dental visits.
Monday, May. 3rd 2021
If you have Frequent Headaches and Pain in lower jaw you may want to Check your Posture.
People that experience frequent headaches or pain between the earlobe and jawline should consul their dentist about TMD. Having poor posture will often time place the spine in a position that may cause stress to the jaw joints. When you slouch or hunch over your lower jaw shifts forward, causing the upper and lower teeth to not fit together properly. Your skull also moves back on the spinal column which may cause headaches. This puts stress on muscle, joints and bones. Having good posture is important and it is just as important to realize how posture can affects your oral health.
Thursday, Apr. 29th 2021
There is a reason why your dentist nags you about flossing daily. Proper flossing habits will help to removes plaque and debris that sticks to teeth and gums in between teeth, as well as help to controls bad breath. Plaque is a sticky layer of material containing bacteria, which builds up on your teeth, including places where toothbrushes can’t reach. This can lead to dental decay and gum disease. By flossing your teeth daily, you reduce your risk of having dental decay and gum disease.
Monday, Apr. 26th 2021
A dentist will prescribes medications for several reasons. You may get a prescription to help prevent infections after surgical procedures like tooth extractions and gum surgery. A dentist may also prescribes medications for pain after having major dental work such as tooth extractions and gum surgery. Though normally a prescription for pain pills are only for a few days
Friday, Apr. 23rd 2021
There are number of reason why one my have orofacial pain. some of the clinical problems include temporomandibular joint discomfort (TJD), muscle spasms in the head, neck and jaw, migraines or pain with teeth, face and jaw.
Other reasons for Orofacial pain to a cure can be due to missing or poorly aligned teeth. People who grind or clench their teeth can experience orofacial pain as well, any trauma to the head and neck. A dentist can help determine why you may be experiencing orofacial pain.
Tuesday, Apr. 20th 2021
Are You Biting off More Than You Can Chew?
Those Super sized burgers and sandwiches that are sold regularly at fast food restaurants may be to big to eat. Many of them are often made larger then the human mouth. Forcing many people to take bites that are too big to chew. The Academy of General Dentistry states by doing this it can be bad for your jaw and teeth. People at a particular risk are those that have temporomandibular joint disorder. (know as TMJ) TMJ can restrict the range of acceptable bite size. People who have TMJ should avoid opening their mouths too wide, since taking large bites of food can aggravate the condition.
Friday, Apr. 16th 2021
Xylitol is a natural sweetener found in plants and fruits which was approved by the FDA as food additive. Xylitol is now appearing in sugar-free gum, mints and toothpaste. Xylitol is sweet-as-sugar and low in calories, and studies show it may help reduce and prevent cavities. Research confirms that of all factors studied, xylitol most likely inhibits the growth of Streptococcus mutans, the oral bacteria that causes cavities.
Monday, Apr. 12th 2021
X-rays provide the dentist with an important tool that shows the condition of your teeth. As well as your teeth roots, jaw placement and the overall composition of your facial bones. X-rays can help your dentist determine the presence or degree of periodontal (gum) disease, abscesses, cavities and many abnormal growths, such as cysts and tumors. X-rays also show the exact location of impacted tooth. X-rays are normally taken once a year, sometimes more if the dentist wants to review a problem focus area.
Thursday, Apr. 8th 2021
How a cosmetic dentistry can change your smile. Cosmetic dentistry can make subtle changes to major repairs, your cosmetic dentist can perform a variety of dental procedures to improve your smile. There are many techniques and options available to treat teeth that are discolored, chipped, misshapen or missing. They can reshape your teeth, close spaces, restore worn or short teeth or alter the length of your teeth.
If you have dental insurance you may want to check to confirm is cosmetic dentistry is covered under you plan, since many dental insurance do not offer benefits for cosmetic services.
Monday, Apr. 5th 2021
There are more than 51 million school hours lost each year due to dental related illnesses. In addition, almost 50 percent of tooth decay remains untreated in low-income children, this according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Despite these numbers, many children still do not visit the dentist. One reason being cost of dental care. Many people do not receive dental benefits though their employer, and they fail to secure dental insurance on their own. Cost could also be an with regards to dental insurance. However it does not have to be since in most state low cost dental insurance and or plans are available.
Thursday, Apr. 1st 2021
The importance of oral health care for women? For many women oral and dental health can be effected by their many changes in life. Such as in puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, lactation and menopause. Women are also more likely to be diagnosed with TMJ, myofascial pain, eating disorders and Sjögren’s syndrome.
Monday, Mar. 29th 2021
You may want to Start by Visiting the Dentist. Most people know that having proper dental care is important for your over all health care. However so are first impressions when you are searching for a job. Teeth are one of the first things many people notice.
Having poor teeth may be preventing you from getting a job. Today middle-aged men and women are competing for jobs with younger men and women, making appearance a heightened factor. Jobs such as where you may be dealing with many people overall appearance can affected your professional life.
Thursday, Mar. 25th 2021
Due to health concerns about fat and high cholesterol many people have either became a vegetarian or been eating a more vegetarian diet. However, there are sometimes nutritional deficiencies that can result and may reveal themselves during dental exams. Your dentist should be advised if you are a vegetarian or on a vegetarian diet. Even though most adult vegetarians are very knowledgeable about nutrition and maintain their diets in a proper fashion, children however need a well balanced and nutritionally complete diet for proper growth. The potential for deficiencies is greatest among children and teenagers who put themselves on vegetarian diets without knowing enough about their nutritional needs.
Monday, Mar. 22nd 2021
According to studies men are less likely then women to take proper care of their physical health. Surveys and studies done also show that men oral and dental health is equally ignored. Even though having good oral health has been linked with longevity, one of the most common factors associated with infrequent dental checkups is just being male. Men are less likely than women to seek preventive dental and health care.
Thursday, Mar. 18th 2021
Many cities fluoridated their tap water, if you add fluoridated water to your infant’s baby formula, you may be putting your child at risk of developing dental fluorosis. Though a harmless cosmetic condition, fluorosis manifests by brown, mottled or discolored tooth enamel. Although fluoride is necessary to prevent tooth decay, in infants and children too much fluoride can cause flurosis. Talk to your dentist and make sure you are not using to much fluoride.
Monday, Mar. 15th 2021
Amalgam filling are made by combining elemental mercury, silver, tin, copper and possibly other metallic elements. Although amalgam filling are still considered to be safe there are many that have concerns about the mercury content in amalgams.
However, thanks to advances in modern dental materials and techniques, dentists have more ways to create pleasing, natural-looking smiles. Dental researchers are continuing their often decades-long work developing materials, such as ceramics and polymer compounds that look more like natural teeth. As a result, dentists and patients today have several choices when it comes to selecting materials to repair missing, worn, damaged or decayed teeth.